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Rose on beach

I know you will find this hard to believe, but I am tired of looking at whales, so here is a picture of a whale's view of me!! I am still having so much fun. I wake each morning and I can't wait to see what the day will bring. Went shopping at a very large mall today whose roof was canvas, making it look like a very large ship.

Tsunami Siren

Doesn't this look like a tornado siren? It is a tsunami warning siren. The siren is tested on or about the first day of the month. The last tsunami on Maui's northshore was in 1964, caused by an earthquake in Alaska. Residents were warned, and no lives were lost. Strong earthquakes that originate in Hawaii are rare. Even if there is a tsunami warning, it doesn't mean there definitely will be a tsunami. In 1984 there was a "false alarm" and everyone waited for the big one that thankfully never came.

Favorite Beach

This is one of my favorite beaches. The water is fairly calm and the view is unbelievable!! Bob manages to take me to a different beach each day, so today or tomorrow my favorite beach may change. The only constant here is the weather. I miss only my family and friends in St. Louis......nothing else. Click on picture to view the full beauty.


Here is a picture of the West Maui mountains with windmills - they are used to generate some of the electricity on the island.
Click on picture for a much larger view.

Whale close to beach

This is a picture I took of a whale while I was sitting on the beach Sunday afternoon. There were many sightings, but I only was quick enough to capture this image. Friday morning Bob, Joel, Christina and I are going on a "whale watch" cruise. I hope to take many more pictures (a little closer).
Click here to view full size picture.